Candidate filings due March 31st , 2024
About Our Association
Our Mission is to nurture our livable, vibrant, and evolving Midtown community through respectful collaboration among all classes, identities, and cultures.
Our Vision is to make Midtown Sacramento the most healthy, inclusive, and sustainable mixed-use community in America.
Role of the Board
The Board of Directors is the governing and policy‑making body of the Midtown Neighborhood Association. Only Board members are eligible to be officers of the Association. Officers are elected by the Board of Directors.
Jan 23rd - March 31st , 2024 Candidacy filings accepted.
April 1st -April 6th 2024: Elections held. The 11 qualified candidates receiving the highest number of votes from members are elected.
April 8th 2024: Board members begin service at the first Board meeting and are seated through April 2025.
April 1st -April 6th 2024: Elections held. The 11 qualified candidates receiving the highest number of votes from members are elected.
April 8th 2024: Board members begin service at the first Board meeting and are seated through April 2025.
Candidacy Filing Requirements
- Be a current member. If not already, apply to be a member here.
- Read and agree to follow and comply with the Code of Civility and with the Board of Directors Expectations (copies below as well).
- Complete the candidacy filing below. We will post your name and candidate statement online.
Candidate Qualifications:
To serve on the Board of Directors, you must be a current member of this Association. You can become a member if you reside, own a business, run an organization, or own property within these boundaries: J Street to R Street and 15th Street to 29th Street in Sacramento, California USA, Planet Earth. Members who live outside of the boundaries but represent an institution or member-based organization may run for the board. Only one such positions are allowed according to our Bylaws. Applications must be received by March 31st , 2024.
Note: Locations on both sides of 15th Street between J Street and R Street qualify for this association at this time.
To serve on the Board of Directors, you must be a current member of this Association. You can become a member if you reside, own a business, run an organization, or own property within these boundaries: J Street to R Street and 15th Street to 29th Street in Sacramento, California USA, Planet Earth. Members who live outside of the boundaries but represent an institution or member-based organization may run for the board. Only one such positions are allowed according to our Bylaws. Applications must be received by March 31st , 2024.
Note: Locations on both sides of 15th Street between J Street and R Street qualify for this association at this time.
Code of Civility
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Board of Directors Expectations
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