The Sacramento Police Department
Lt. Green and Sgt. Faria shared that vehicle theft is still on the increase citywide. They reminded us to “lock, take, hide” (lock cars, take valuables, hide anything left in vehicle).
Sacramento Fire Department
Sac Fire gave updates on Station 14 & 15 rebuilds. The department has lots of current vacancies but several recruits in training and officers making lateral moves to Sacramento.
Senator Richard Pan’s Office
Jenny Bach gave updates on the children's bill of rights legislation: Senate Bills 1095 (Newborn Screening Program) & 977 (Tobacco: Youth Sports Events). Both are waiting for Governor’s signature.
Assembly Member McCarty’s Office: Absent
Councilmember Steve Hansen’s Office
Pete Fenolio gave updates on the new stop sign on 26th & P streets. He also shared information about guest parking permits for residents effective Oct. 1. Councilmember Hansen will call for a review in a few months for feedback on parking programs.