- Sacramento Police Department | 6:05 - 10 min.
- Sacramento Fire Department | 6:15 - 10 min.
- Senator Richard Pan's Office | 6:25 - 10 min.
- Assemblymember Kevin McCarty's Office | 6:35 - 10 min.
- Councilmember Steve Hansen's Office | 6:45 - 10 min.
- (none this month)
- Member/community comments for items not on agenda | 6:55 - 5 min.
- Consent Calendar (minutes/treasurer's report: see the Agenda Packet)| 7:00 - 5 min.
Discussion & Informational Items
- Strategic Planning | Mission/Vision Workgroups | 7:05 - 5 min.
- Transportation Commiittee | 7:10 - 5 min.
- Affordability Committee | Mike Klein's project | 7:15 - 5 min.
- CSUS Interns | 7:20 - 5 min.
- Der Biergarten | 7:25 - 5 min.
- 19J Project | 7:30 - 5 min.
Action Items
- C.O.R.E. Letter of Support | 7:35 - 5 min.
- Meeting time | Should we change meeting start times to 6:30 or 6:15 or leave it at 6:00? | 7:40 - 5 min.
- MNA Board updates/comments for items not on the agenda | 7:45 - 5 min.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, October 12, 2016, at 6 p.m. at Midtown Business Association