- Sacramento Police Department | 6:20 - 10 min.
- Councilmember Steve Hansen's Office | 6:30 - 10 min.
- Downtown Specificl Plan/Long-Range Planning | 6:40 - 20 min.
- Community Land Trusts/Neighborhood Coalition | 7:00 - 10 min.
- Pony Express Marathon | 7:10 - 10 min.
- Member/community comments for items not on agenda | 7:20 - 5 min.
- Consent Calendar (minutes; treasurer’s report; bylaw amendments; 2017 meeting dates; website upgrade: see the Agenda Packet) | 7:25 - 5 min.
- Affordable Housing Committee Update | 7:30 - 10 min.
- Conflict of Interest | 7:40 - 10 min.
- Draft Communication/Recruitment Plan | 7:50 - 10 min.
- Strategic Planning Update and Adoption of New Mission/Vision/Values/Goals | 8:00 - 10 min.
- Proposed Citywide Development Fees | 8:10 - 10 min.
- MNA Board updates/comments for items not on the agenda | 8:20 - 5 min.