Project Description (from the City)
A request to demolish two single-story commercial buildings and construct an 11-story mixed-use building with 173 units and approximately 7,000 square feet of ground floor retail space on .29 acres in the General Commercial (C-2-NC) zone. The project requires Site Plan and Design Review with deviations for height and open space requirements. The project is also required to provide a significant community benefit to exceed the allowable Floor Area Ratio for the site. An administrative parking review is also requested to waive a portion of the required vehicle parking.
The 19J project will be a sustainable 11-story mixed-use building proposed for the Urban Corridor High region of the vibrant J Street corridor. The proposed project at the northwest corner of 19th and J Streets aims to provide affordable, elegant density in between downtown and midtown, adding a significant community benefit for the existing central city workforce and residents.
19J features 173 residential units over approximately 7,000 square feet of retail on the ground floor. The residential units will be for rent with eighty percent comprised of “smart” studios that are affordable by design. Sizes of these studios range from 312 sq. ft. to 480 sq. ft. and will provide innovative design features.
The 19J site is zoned C-2 in the Urban Corridor High designation, and the project seeks to obtain a site plan and design review at the Planning Commission level.
You can watch the video of the September 8, 2016, Planning and Design Commission meeting with the city staff report, developer's presentation, commissioner's comments and questions and comments from the public. The project is item No. 9 on the agenda.
REVIEW PERIOD: October 7, 2016 through November 8, 2016
The City of Sacramento, Community Development Department, Environmental Planning Services has completed the preparation of a draft Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA) for the 19 J (DR16-202) project. Mitigation measures have been identified for air quality, cultural resources, geology, hazards, noise, public services, recreation, and transportation and circulation. The project site is not listed on the Cortese list enumerated under Section 65962.5 of the Government Code.
The document is now available for a 30-day public review and comment period. The comment period is from Friday, October 7, 2016 through Tuesday, November 8, 2016. You may review a copy or obtain an CD copy of the document at the 300 Richards Boulevard, 3rd Floor reception desk, Sacramento, CA 95811 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The draft Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment is also available at:
The proposed project is located at 1827 and 1831 J Street in the City of Sacramento in Sacramento County, California, and identified as assessor parcel number (APN) 007-0012-011-0000. The project site consists of approximately 0.29 acres north of, and adjacent to J Street, west of and adjacent to 19th Street, and south of Improv Alley in the Central City area of Sacramento.
The project proposes demolition of the existing buildings on site, and construction of a 11-story mixed-use structure with 173 residential units, 7,000 sf of ground floor commercial, and a second-story parking garage on the corner of 19th Street and J Street. Project architecture would use an articulated design to reduce building massing, and would incorporate multiple materials, including green walls, to create a variable and textured façade.
Written comments regarding the Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment should be received by the Community Development Department, NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 8 2016. Written comments should be submitted to:
Scott Johnson
City of Sacramento
Community Development Department
Environmental Planning Services
300 Richards Blvd., 3rd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 808-5842
[email protected]