Preservation Site Plan and Design Review with deviation (side setback) for the proposed new construction of a new 2-story, 1,880 square foot, single-unit dwelling structure, (with ground floor 3-car garage), on the rear (Matsui Alley adjacent) of a property that contains an existing single-unit dwelling, on a parcel of approximately 0.15 acres in the Multi-Unit Dwelling (R-3A) zone, and within the Capitol Mansions Historic District.
Single Unit & Duplex Dwelling New two-story single-unit dwelling structure with ground floor garage in the R-3A zone and the Capitol Mansions Historic District.
Project Name: 2220 Capitol Avenue - Carriage House
Project Location: 2220 Capitol Avenue (Matsui Alley)
Assessor's Parcel Number: 007-0154-008-0000
Applicant's Name: Sue Mortensen
Applicant's Phone Number: 916-316-3555
Full size pdf’s are available on request.
For more information or to send comments about this project, contact:
Robert W. Williams
Associate Planner
Community Development Department
[email protected]